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Full-stack Python Training Course in Lucknow: 180 Days/6 months

What you'll Learn

  • Module1:- Introduction to HTML, The Nature of web designing.
  • Module2:-Web designing, Brower versions, Size and Resolution.
  • Module3:- Implementation to HTML Editors
  • Module4:- Implementation to HTML Basic
  • Module5:- Implementation to HTML Elements
  • Module6:- Implementation to HTML Attributes
  • Module7:- Implementation to HTML Headings
  • Module8:- Implementation to HTML Paragraphs
  • Module9:- Implementation to HTML Styles
  • Module10:- Implementation to HTML Text Formatting
  • Module11:- Implementation to HTML Quotation and Citation Elements
  • Module12:- Implementation to HTML Comments
  • Module13:- Implementation to HTML Colors- RGB and RGBA Colors, HEX Colors, HSL and HSLA Colors
  • Module14:- Implementation to HTML Styles - CSS
  • Module15:- Implementation to HTML Links color, bookmark
  • Module16:- Implementation to HTML Images, Image Maps, Background Images, picture Element
  • Module17:- Implementation to HTML Tables, Borders, Table Sizes, Table Headers, Table Padding & Spacing, Table Colspan & Rowspan, Table Styling, Table Colgroup
  • Module18:- Implementation to HTML Lists, Unordered Lists, Ordered Lists, Other Lists
  • Module19:- Implementation to HTML Block and Inline Elements
  • Module20:- Implementation to HTML class Attribute, HTML id Attribute
  • Module21:- Implementation to HTML Iframes, HTML Forms, HTML Form Attributes, HTML Form Elements, HTML Input Types,
  • Module22:- Implementation to HTML Input Attributes, HTML Input form Attributes
  • Module:23- Basic of HTML, HTML Editor, Element, Tags, and HTML Anchor Tags.
  • Module24:- Images element, Images Map, HTML List (Ordered Lists, Unordered List, Nested List, and Definition List)
  • Module25:- Tables Tags, Table Structures, HTML form.
  • Module26:-HTML Input and HTML events, HTML Multimedia, HTML Video, HTML Audio, HTML Plug-ins, HTML YouTube Videos
  • Module27:-Introduction to CSS, CSS Fundamentals, CSS Syntax
  • Module28:- CSS Selectors, How To Add CSS, CSS Comments
  • Module29:- CSS Colors, CSS RGB Colors, CSS HEX Colors, CSS HSL Colors
  • Module30:- CSS Backgrounds, CSS Background Image, CSS Background Image Repeat, CSS Background Attachment, CSS Background Shorthand
  • Module31:- CSS Borders, CSS Border Width, CSS Border Color, CSS Border Sides, CSS Shorthand Border Property, CSS Rounded Borders
  • Module32:-CSS Margins, CSS Margin Collapse
  • Module33:- CSS Padding, CSS Height and Width, CSS Box Model,
  • Module34:- CSS Outline, CSS Outline Width, CSS Outline Color, CSS Outline Shorthand, CSS Outline Offset
  • Module35:- CSS Text, CSS Text Alignment, CSS Text Decoration, CSS Text Transformation, CSS Text Spacing, CSS Text Shadow
  • Module36:- CSS Fonts, CSS Web Safe Fonts, CSS Font Fallbacks, CSS Font Style, CSS Font Size, CSS Google Fonts, CSS Great Font Pairings, CSS Font Property
  • Module37:-CSS Icons, CSS Links, CSS Lists
  • Module38:- CSS Tables, Table Borders, Table Size, Table Alignment, Table Style, Responsive Table
  • Module39:- CSS Layout - The display Property, CSS Layout - width and max-width
  • Module40:-CSS Layout - The position Property, CSS Layout - Overflow
  • Module41:-CSS Layout - float and clear and clearfix
  • Module42:-CSS Layout - display: inline-block, CSS Layout - Horizontal & Vertical Align
  • Module43:-CSS Combinators, CSS Pseudo-classes, CSS Pseudo-elements, CSS Opacity / Transparency
  • Module44:- CSS Navigation Bar, Vertical Navigation Bar, Horizontal Navigation Bar
  • Module45:-CSS Dropdowns, CSS Image Gallery, CSS Image Sprites, CSS Attribute Selectors, CSS Forms
  • Module46:-CSS Counters, CSS Website Layout, CSS Units, CSS Specificity, CSS Rounded Corners, CSS Border Images
  • Module47:- CSS Multiple Backgrounds, CSS Colors, CSS Color Keywords, CSS Gradients, CSS Shadow Effects, CSS Box Shadow, CSS Web Fonts
  • Module48:- Responsive Web Design - Introduction, The Viewport, Grid-View, Media Queries, Images, Videos, Frameworks, Templates
  • Module49:- JavaScript Introduction, Where To, Output, Statements, Syntax, Comments, Variables
  • Module50:- JavaScript Let, Const, Operators, Arithmetic, Assignment, Data Types, Functions, Objects.
  • Module51:- JavaScript Events, Strings, String Methods, String Search, Template Literals, Number, Number Methods
  • Module52:- JavaScript Arrays, Array Methods, JavaScript Sorting Arrays, Converting Arrays to Strings, Sorting an Array, Array Iteration, Array Const.
  • Module53:- JavaScript Date Objects, Date Formats, Get Date Methods, Set Date Methods
  • Module54:-JavaScript Math, Object, Random, Booleans, Comparison and Logical Operators
  • Module55:-JavaScript if else and else if, Switch Statement
  • Module56:- JavaScript For Loop, For In, For Of, While Loop, Break and Continue, Iterables, Sets and all events
  • Module57:- jQuery Introduction, Syntax, jQuery Selectors, Event Methods, Effects - Hide and Show
  • Module58:- jQuery Effects - Fading, jQuery Effects - Sliding, jQuery Effects - Animation, jQuery Stop Animations
  • Module59:- jQuery Callback Functions, jQuery - Chaining, Get and set Content and Attributes, Add Elements, Remove Elements, Classes
  • Module60:- jQuery - AJAX Introduction, AJAX load() Method, AJAX get() and post() Methods
  • Module61:- Bootstrap 4 Get Started, Bootstrap Containers, Bootstrap Grids, Text/Typography, Colors, Tables, Images, Jumbotron
  • Module62:- Bootstrap Alerts, Buttons, Button Groups, Badges, Progress Bars, Spinners, Pagination, List Groups, Cards, Dropdowns
  • Module63:- Bootstrap Collapse, Navigation Bar, Forms, Form Inputs, Input Groups, Custom Forms, Carousel, Modal, Tooltip, Popover, Toast,
  • Module64:- Bootstrap Scrollspy (Advanced), Utilities, Flex, Icons, Media Objects, Filters.
  • Module65:- Introduction to Python- Core Python Concept, Python Character Set,
  • Module66:- Basics of Python(Variables, Data Types, Operators, Input and Output, Expressions)
  • Module67:- Working on conditional and Iterative statement.
  • Module68:- Working on if, if-else, Nested if-else.
  • Module69:- Implementing looping- For, While, Nested Loop.
  • Module70:- Working on control statement- Break, Continue.
  • Module71:- Sting Manipulation, Accessing, Basic Operations, String Slices.
  • Module72:- Implementing Functions.
  • Module73:- Working on List-Accessing, operational, Function and Methods.
  • Module74:- Working on Tuple- Accessing, operational, Function and Methods
  • Module75:-Working on Dictionaries- Accessing, operational, Properties, Function and Methods.
  • Module76:- Implementation of Function- Definition, Calling a Function, Type of Functions.
  • Module77:- Function Arguments, Anonymous Functions, Global and Local Variables.
  • Module78:- Working on Modules- importing Modules, Math Module, Random Module, Packages and Compositions.
  • Module79:- Working on Input/output Operations- Printing on Screen, Reading data from Keyboard.
  • Module80:-Implementation of input/output Operations- Opening and closing Files, Reading and Writing Files, Functions
  • Module81:- Implementations on Exception Handling.
  • Module82:- Implementation on OOPs Concepts- Object, class, attributes, inheritance, overloading, overriding, Data Hiding.
  • Module83:- Introduction to Lambda Function, Sample Programs using lambda functions, Map and lambda functions, Sorting data with lambda functions
  • Module84:- Filter and lambda functions, Reduce and lambda functions, Applying aggregate functions ,Conditional statements with lambda functions
  • Module85:- Accessing nested list with lambda function and map function, Accessing dictionary keys and values using lambda functions, Filtering dictionary, Processing multiple lists
  • Module86:- Introduction to Regular Expressions, RegEx Module, RegEx Functions, Search(), Split(), Sub()
  • Module87:- Metacharacters, Special Sequences, Sets, Validation of Phone Number using Regular Expression.
  • Module88:- Introduction to Multi-Threading, Multi-Tasking in Python, Types of Multi-tasking in OS , Thread, How to achieve multi-threading in Python, How to create Threads, Race Condition
  • Module89:- Thread Synchronization, Locks, Thread Class Methods, Thread Communication.
  • Module90:-Decorators, Need of Decorators, What are First Class Objects?, Treating the functions as objects, Passing the function as argument, Returning functions from another functions
  • Module91:- Using decorators to wrap another function, Applying multiple decorators in a single function, Decorating functions that accepts arguments
  • Module92:- What are generator functions, Generator object, Reversing a string using generators, Difference between normal functions and generators
  • Module93:- Nested functions and non-local variables, When to use Closures, Example Programs using Closures.
  • Module94:- Introduction Iterators, Types of iterators in Python, Iterating through iterator, Create an iterator, StopIteration, Implementing TV Remote Control System using Iterators
  • Module95:- Python With Mysql, What is MySQL, Installing python mysql connector, Database Connection with Python, CRUD using Python
  • Module96:-Introduction to Tkinter GUI, Creating Screen in Tkinter, What are Widgets in Tkinter, Label Widget in Tkinter, Creating a Button in tkinter, Entry Widget, Displaying Hello World in Tkinter
  • Module97:- Introduction to Geometry Management, Canvas in Tkinter, RadioButton in Tkinter, Checkbutton in Tkinter, Combobox Widget in tkinter, Toplevel Widgets, Button Event
  • Module98:-Introduction to Django, Features of Django, Django web server, Understanding Django environment
  • Module99:- Displaying Hyperlinks- Project, Django Architecture, MVC and MVT, Starting a project, Django apps, Activating our first app, A view that displays a hyperlink, Mapping the views to URLs
  • Module100:- Running our first app, Improving the views using templates, Template inheritance, Sending data from url to view, Sending data from view to template
  • Module101:- Creating models, Converting the models into a table, Examples for Fields in Models, Basic data access using Django shell, Saving objects from database, Retrieving objects from database
  • Module102:- Modifying objects of database, Sorting objects, Filtering objects, Deleting objects
  • Module103:- Creating Administration Panel, Using the admin interface, Customizing the admin interface, Adding users, Data access and modification using admin panel, Giving permissions to users
  • Module104:-Improving webpage, Adding background color for web pages, Adding background image in the web pages, Storing and displaying images
  • Module105:- Django Forms Creation, Forms basics, Creating Contact Us form, Form field examples
  • Module106:- Django Template Language, Django template tags, If/else/elseif, For, Comments, Filters, Using templates to display data in the webpage
  • Module107:- Integrating Bootstrap into Django, Sessions and Cookies, Difference between session and cookie, Creating sessions and cookies in Django
  • Real-time big Project

Full-stack Python Training Course in Lucknow: 180 Days/6 months

Learn Full-stack Python Training course among top Python training institutes based in Lucknow provided by Debuggers. Also known for its kind of quality Python training given by Working developers who developing web-based applications. Debuggers' aim is to provide the student best professional training for Python and MySQL. Python is runnable on nearly any web server and is fully free. The three states that make it famed are that it is fool proof i.e. simply learn, easy to use, simply implement. In Python, we can create both dynamic and static websites. In Python, the codes have the capability of deploying on most web servers, operating systems, and platforms for GUI applications. At debuggers, the course will be designed by an industry expert to help you became a mastery-level programmer. We have provided the latest tool to perform various functions at training sessions in real-time projects.


Full-stack Python Training in Lucknow

Python is one of the hot and trend skills with wide-ranging applications. The demand for Python engineers is increasing day by day. Python training is hands-on training for candidates to get better at their coding or programming skills along with building a strong foundation in Python Technology Stack - Django, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and DevOps.

Debuggers Full-stack Python development course content is based upon the industry recommendations and is regularly updated to keep pace with the ongoing technological advancements. It is one of the best & reliable Python institutes that offers basic as well as the advanced level of Python training in Lucknow.

Debuggers Training institute provides well proficient and experienced professional experts to train the students and make them strong for their professional careers. Debuggers provide Classroom Python training with the best lab facilities.

Python is a high-level programming language that easily and effectively integrates with your systems. It runs on almost every operating system such as Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, Unix, etc. Since python is an open-source programming language, it can be easily used. Python programmers can program a specific function in even lesser lines using Python as compared to the other programming languages. 

Python Scripting is one of the best technologies to learn and is widely used by individuals to big organizations such as Google. This Full-stack Python development training starts with the basic syntax of Python and continues to small GUI programs. You will learn Python data types such as Tuples and Dictionaries, Looping, Functions, and I/O handling. Python training will also give you an overview of Object-Oriented Programming and Graphical application development. Python Scripting course will explain some basics modules and their usage.

At the end of the Full-stack Python development Training, individuals will have the skills to grow in Web-Development, GUI Application Programming, Game Development, and writing powerful scripts for System Administration, Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Data Scientist.

Why Join Debuggers for Online Python Training :

  • Debuggers provide the best Python training in Lucknow, according to current industry patterns.
  • All our Python training programs are based on the Current IT Industry Standard & live industry projects.
  • Our Labs at Debuggers in Lucknow are very well-equipped with the latest version of hardware and software.
  • This Python training enables beginners as well as intermediate candidates to land their dream jobs in companies worldwide.
  • Debuggers is a renowned mentoring company offering the best training services in Lucknow and, also recognized as the best Python training center in Lucknow.
  • The course curriculum for the Python training course at debuggers in Lucknow is designed to provide in-depth knowledge that covers all the modules for the training ranging from basic to advanced level.
  • At Debuggers Python training in Lucknow is supervised and managed by industrial experts as well as developers having more than ten years of experience in handling Python projects.
  • Debuggers' training modules include only practical sessions. It enables candidates to handle difficult and complex situations when stepping into the reality of the IT sector.
  • Even when you start at a very beginner level to learn Python at Debuggers in Lucknow, you will become a Python Developer once you complete our Python Certification.
  • 100% job assistance after completion of our training-based programs at Debuggers.



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Your course completion certificate is done by very simple criteria. you must have successfully submitted the project assessment criteria set by our industry-based specialists

1. One To One Training 2. Classroom Training 3. Live instructor-based Online Training 4. Fast Track Training

There will be a total of 5 to 6 different instructors teaching the entire modules of the Python training program. All of them are corporate trainers with exceptional experience in their field.

We are a group of experienced technology professionals for your beginner life of programming turn to an expert. We give you a high-level software industry development-based training program to build your career easily and remove your fresher tag from your CV. • Fully hands-on real-time project-based training • 40+ hours course duration • Industry expert faculties • 100% job oriented training • Certification guidance • Own course materials • Resume editing • Interview preparation • Affordable fees structure

We accept all major kinds of payment options. Cash, Card (Master, Visa, and Maestro, etc), Net Banking and etc.

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